Red Baron's Blog - Well there's a fair bit of vitriolic anti-Bush stuff so seems to fit well into this category!
That There Paul's - The page that helps you know that Bush sucks! Original content as well as extracts from the best of The New Yorker, Comedy Central, and over 460,000 other
jealoustwin - some mornings i just cant be bothered to chew through te leather straps
Apathetic Nation - Common sense blog discussing the politics and current event of the day.
The OCD Gen X Liberal - Politically, I consider myself a far-left liberal who will fight against the right-wing to my dying day.
Cosmic Iguana - Dedicated to the proposition that Saddam Hussein and GW Bush are figments of our unconscious minds.
The New Space Race - Basically focusing on privatizing space, also focuses on politics and music.
Probitus - Finally, that liberal media bias you can't find anywhere else!