Kerry Doesn't Suck - An essay/blog on Kerry, Bush and modern US politics. Funny,flippant. passionate and entertaining and completely biased.
The New Space Race - Basically focusing on privatizing space, also focuses on politics and music.
Where the hell is my job George- The Yobo Report - Commentary on looking for a job in this economy and living under the reign of stupid George Bush
I Live In Delaware County - My Personal Blog
Apathetic Nation - Common sense blog discussing the politics and current event of the day.
Brace For Impact - Anti-Bush website that attempts to expose the real agenda behind the Republican right wing zealots and their lackey in the White House, George W. Bush.
A siege of herons - Attempting a realistic, if slightly caffeinated, discussion of what the United States has been, is, and can be, coming straight from the mouth of the Mohawk Valley in beautiful and historic Central New York.
I am an unapologetic Democrat. I dislike C
Throwing Ice Cream - Online journal of utter craziness.