Dictionary of Dubyaspeak - A collection of words and definitions that introduce the special style and meaning of speech according to George W. Bush.
PresidentSucks.com - Someone had to say it! - Full of humorous quotes, pictures, flash movies and games about our President
IDIOCRACY.US - A political and social website opposed to Bush and for human and environmental rights and for peace. It includes news, opinions and information.
Dubya Says - The ORIGINAL and still the best source for George W. Bush Quotes!
GEORGE W. BUSH SUCKS THE LIFE OUT OF AMERICA - Basically a running text about how Bush Sucks. I'm adding to it all the time...new
Bush Sucks - This site is dedicated to helping people understand why Bush sucks, helping them vent their frustrations, and mobilizing them to action.
About Bush - All you don't want to know about Bush.
Obama T-Shirt - Here's how to get a nice Barack Obama T-shirt on your back for less than $7!