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BUSH bush sucks SUCKS

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Sites 1-8 of 19

  Auntie Phil's [Whack hard on the head] thoughts about life, liberty and happiness [LISTEN ALREADY WILL YOU] A sarcastic political blog about everything but esp. about Bush.
The new Iraqi flag
  The new design for the Iraqi flag reflects the priorities of the occupiers and shows us once again why Bush sucks!
Democrat Pride!
  Anti-GOP and anti-Bush humor, song parodies, anti-GOP animated gifs and blinkies for your website, e-mails, or blog. Suggestions for new gifs welcome!
More Humor From The World Of Suzywoo2 & Suzy's MailTruck!
  Various articles, cartoons, bumper stickers, links, as well as serious comments on the Bush regime.
  Politik & Parodie Gesellschaft & Satire Political & Parody Site with a bit of Comedy! Against Bush and War! [German!]
Smash Bush
  A place for anyone curious about the truth behind the Bush campaigns, the rhetoric, and what the administration has actually done. It contains a Flash game where you can hit random George Bush heads that pop out of the ground.
The Angry Codger
  The main feature is a downloadable new anti-Bush game called Flush-a-Bush.
Ch!ck@n F*ck#rs.
  Gag on these southern fried nuggets.

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