Blatherskite - My rants on the state of our nation and other things.
Where the hell is my job George- The Yobo Report - Commentary on looking for a job in this economy and living under the reign of stupid George Bush
Kerry Doesn't Suck - An essay/blog on Kerry, Bush and modern US politics. Funny,flippant. passionate and entertaining and completely biased.
Swiftspeech - A forum for progressive political commentary, politics, news, and the cultural and socio-political climate of the 21st Century.
Brace For Impact - Anti-Bush website that attempts to expose the real agenda behind the Republican right wing zealots and their lackey in the White House, George W. Bush. - Weblog containing correspondence between Kerry campaigners (like me) and Republicanatics who attack us...
NJ Outrage - A Weblog about Bush's crimes and notes on what to do to get him out.
Independent Report - Mix of news and humor regarding bush.