12thharmonic News and Email - News and Free Email. News headlines from buzzflash, NYT and others. An American and a Brit living in Sydney, Australia. Lots of Links... The future of the planet is at stake.
Probitus - Finally, that liberal media bias you can't find anywhere else!
Throwing Ice Cream - Online journal of utter craziness.
Cosmic Iguana - Dedicated to the proposition that Saddam Hussein and GW Bush are figments of our unconscious minds.
The Greengig - A journal of political firebranding: exposing the deadly lies of the Bush Regime
A siege of herons - Attempting a realistic, if slightly caffeinated, discussion of what the United States has been, is, and can be, coming straight from the mouth of the Mohawk Valley in beautiful and historic Central New York.
I am an unapologetic Democrat. I dislike C
Daffodil Lane - A little politics, a little life.
America Deserves Better - A series of letters, reasoned, non-polemic, and without bad language, targeted to persuade Independents and moderate Republicans that we must defeat the present administration this year because America deserves better.