Resurrecting Critique - Adventures in politics and critical sociology.
Swiftspeech - A forum for progressive political commentary, politics, news, and the cultural and socio-political climate of the 21st Century.
American Entropy - Anti-religous right and neocon blog
The OCD Gen X Liberal - Politically, I consider myself a far-left liberal who will fight against the right-wing to my dying day.
Big Thinker, Small Town - Exposing the lies and crimes of the Bush Regime, with links to outside places where you may vote to impeach or state your opinion to your elected officials. JUST DO ONE THING TODAY!
The New Space Race - Basically focusing on privatizing space, also focuses on politics and music.
jealoustwin - some mornings i just cant be bothered to chew through te leather straps
Kerry Doesn't Suck - An essay/blog on Kerry, Bush and modern US politics. Funny,flippant. passionate and entertaining and completely biased.