/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Anti-War Web Ring & Directory /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
AlienLove Online
  Politics, News, Forums, Art, Fun
The Handstand
  Monthly journal;anarchic;politics;arts;artists;environment studies;
One Tenacious Baby Mama
  This is an anti-authoritarian, anti-oppression radical parenting Black conscious, queer positive, class conscious, sex positive, anti-war blog.
  The World After September 11
Silicon Creative
  Collection of anti-war DVD covers and other Bush art!
  An Indian anti-war website posting news & views from around the world; put together by an activist and journalist.
  no war wallpapers,hip hop koints against the war in mp3 format,no war slide show protest signs,no war thoughts,info links, pc fonts with style
  Images, articles and factoids convey messages of peace and protest.

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