/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Anti-War Web Ring & Directory /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
Red Statement
  All things grim, womyn and revolutionary.
Bloviate; home of the well-reasoned rant
  Ideas on Canadian and International politics, cultural trends, technology, economics, science- and just about anything else worth discussing. A friendly online meme filter with a healthy-dose of spin.
Peace & Freedom Press
  Site of Peace & Freedom Press, publishers of paperbacks, magazines and booklets, of poetry, prose and art, mostly relating to humanitarian, animal welfare and environmental concerns.
Bush Sucks
  Agit prop against the war monger
Resources antiwar
  Resources antiwar: News on Iraq war, International answer, photos, humour??
The Entropy Documents
  Blog updated daily with personal commentary and links regarding the current state of civilization.
Pro-Lifers for Peace and Justice
  A home for pro-life liberal/progressive thought. A lot of the architects of the war effort describe themselves as pro-life, but it seems to be that other kind of pro-life sentiment (you know, the one that says the right to life begins at conception and en
The Making of Balkan Wars: The Game
  This is not a game. The exhibition will take place in the fall of 2003 in Thessaloniki, and will travel to Bucharest and other cities.

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