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anti war


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Sites 1-7 of 7

  5:46 min. // 17.9 M // Quicktime Una video-protesta por los asesinatos de mujeres en Ciudad Juárez. / A video-demostration about the murders of women in Ciudad Juarez.
It's a Political Scam...
  News, Discussion, About, Recommended Reading, Links, Feedback.
One among 400,000
  A personal document of the protest that took place in London, UK on September 28th 2002 to stop the war against Iraq.
system of a down
  Multi-media concerning anti-war activities.
Cost of War
  Photos American coffins, returning soldiers unloaded from planes, press censored imagery, need to mourn, anti war music links, war art links.
Susan Bowen Photography
  Overlapping multiple exposures shot with a Holga. Series on the Anti-War March in NYC on 3/22/03.
Aftermarket alterations
  Reclaimed billboards.

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