::uncomfortably numb:: - A blog about life and the human condition, through personal experience, and a strong, obsessive need to right as many wrongs as possible (mine included)...peace, war, politics, love, acceptance, opinions, news, wisdom, kindness, and knowledge....
Chicago FreeSpeechZone - A literary journalism project focused on the men and women of Chicago's peace movement - and the city's efforts to suppress it.
One Tenacious Baby Mama - This is an anti-authoritarian, anti-oppression radical parenting Black conscious, queer positive, class conscious, sex positive, anti-war blog.
Robert-Fisk.com - Great Antiwar Resource
Vote Bush Out! - Anti Bush Political Activist
Poetic Justice (Don't burn the flag. Wash it!) - Political poetry is the main emphasis. Art renderings (photomontage) accompany much of the poetry, plus a treatise, Head-Line poetry (carved from the day's news), anti-war one-act plays and various original videos throughout.
Today's Talk - A blog to discuss some pretty serious topics and other cultural and social issues that I find just absolutely amazing and interesting. We live in a world with so many ideologies and values. Today's Talk analyzes what's going on.
Grassroots Victories - Grassroots Victories is a unique Independent Media Outlet that also offers on and off-line database solutions for organizations educational and marketing initiatives.
Covers current social justice news, events, organizations, artist, speakers, etc.